RAVAS Mobiles wiegen
Parcel Metrics ist Partner von RAVAS
Diese Partnerschaft vereint die Vorteile des mobilen Wiegens mit mobiler Vermessung und mobiler Datenerfassung. Mit „Echtzeit“-Datenübertragung an unser Parcel Metrics Enterprise Server-System. Dieses PMES kann sich vor Ort oder in der Cloud befinden.
Parcel Metrics kann mit RAVAS iForks verbunden werden, die auf Gabelstaplern und auch auf dem Wiegehubwagen von RAVAS installiert sind.
Alle Datenverbindungen sind vollständig sicher und verwenden ACK/NACK-Protokolle und HTTPS-Datensicherheit.
Füllen Sie das Kontaktformular für weitere Informationen aus.

Klanten Parcel-Metrics
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – with flexible mobile set up
The Netherlands Germany
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – mobile
Cubetape + mobile work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – fully flexible – mobile set up
The Netherlands
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – mobile
Cubetape direct HID using Bluetooth connected to DHL main application Measuring non-conveyable’s in main depot of DHL Brussel
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including bench scale) for recording SKU master data even with ‘man-up’ machines in narrow isle set up
The Netherlands
ParcelMetrics Mobile work stations (including Ohaus bench scale) with ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server in Cloud environment with API to host system of DPD
ParcelMetrics Mobile work stations (including Ohaus bench scale) with ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server in head office for final check on SKU master data
Would you like to know more about what Parcel Metrics can do for your business situation? Please contact us or fill in the contact form.