RAVAS pesage mobile
Parcel Metrics est partenaire de RAVAS
Ce partenariat rassemble les avantages du pesage mobile avec le dimensionnement mobile et la capture de données mobiles. Avec transfert de données « en temps réel » vers notre système Parcel Metrics Enterprise Server. Cette PMES peut être localisée sur site ou dans le Cloud.
Parcel Metrics peut se connecter aux RAVAS iForks qui sont installés sur les chariots élévateurs ainsi que sur le transpalette peseur manuel RAVAS.
Toutes les connexions de données sont entièrement sécurisées et utilisent les protocoles ACK/NACK et la sécurité des données HTTPS.
Remplissez le formulaire de contact pour plus d’informations.

Klanten Parcel-Metrics
The Netherlands
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – mobile
ParcelMetrics Mobile work stations (including Ohaus bench scale) with ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server in head office for final check on SKU master data
Cubetape direct HID using Bluetooth connected to DHL main application Measuring non-conveyable’s in main depot of DHL Brussel
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including floor scale) for recording of long objects (Ski’s)
The Netherlands
ParcelMetrics Mobile work stations (including Ohaus bench scale) with ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server in Cloud environment with API to host system of DPD
The Netherlands Germany
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – mobile
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – with flexible mobile set up
Cubetape + mobile work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – fully flexible – mobile set up
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including bench scale) for recording SKU master data even with ‘man-up’ machines in narrow isle set up
Would you like to know more about what Parcel Metrics can do for your business situation? Please contact us or fill in the contact form.