Efficient and secure gathering of important parcel data
Parcel data accessible
The Parcel Metrics products help you register the barcode, dimensions and weight of packages and pallets. This allows you to ensure revenue protection, optimize freight transport and/or master data and SKU management. Data is made available to a backend application through a RESTful API and/or files in various formats, such as CSV, JSON and XML.

PMM, a multilingual app for the gathering of parcel Barcode(s), Dimensions, Weight and Photos.
PMD, a browser based multilingual web-application for the gathering of parcel Barcode(s), Dimensions and Weight.
Enterprise Server
PMES, a multilingual app for the gathering of parcel Barcode(s), Dimensions, Weight and Photos.

PMES is the basis for using Parcel Metrics
To use ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server (PMES), there is a license subscription for one year, which is automatically renewed annually. With your PMES license subscription, the software of PMM & PMD are free to use.
The subscription to the PMES consists in two parts: on-premises or SAAS solution (Software As A Service).
Contact us for advice about your perferred solution.
PMD as standalone app
ParcelMetrics Desktop (PMD) is also available as a standalone application, for which a one-off purchase license is applicable. This license has an indefinite period. ParcelMetrics Desktop is designed for Microsoft Windows and uses Bluetooth communication with Cubetape scanner/dimensioner and USB for various scales

Would you like to know more about what Parcel Metrics can do for your business situation? Please contact us or fill in the contact form.