ParcelMetrics Dimensioner

Taking the guesswork out of freight charges starts with dimensioning

Don’t let dimensional weight chargebacks hurt your bottom line. Get accurate shipping cost estimates by incorporating dimensions into the process.

The ParcelMetrics dimensioner is fast and affordable, easily integrates with scales or conveyors, and it comes with technical support from the engineers who built it.

ParcelMetrics Dimensioner
ParcelMetrics Dimensioner2

Better fulfillment starts with dimensioning for correct SKU data

Let us turn your shipment data into actionable insights that help you with negotiating with carriers, setting shipping charge policies, and pack more efficiently.

Save up to 50% in processing time

A Cubetape is hand-held and mobile device which eliminates the need to queue to use the system helping to save up to 50% in processing time on alternative dimensioning methods.

ParcelMetrics Dimensioner3

A greener world

Saving money is important, saving money while making the world a little greener? Priceless.




Would you like to know more about what Parcel Metrics can do for your business situation? Please contact us or fill in the contact form.

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