Pesagem móvel RAVAS
Parcel Metrics é parceira da RAVAS
Esta parceria reúne as vantagens da pesagem móvel com o dimensionamento móvel e a captura móvel de dados. Com transferência de dados em ‘tempo real’ para nosso sistema Parcel Metrics Enterprise Server. Este PMES pode estar localizado on-premises ou na nuvem.
O Parcel Metrics pode ser conectado aos iForks RAVAS que são instalados em empilhadeiras e também no porta-paletes manual de pesagem RAVAS.
Todas as conexões de dados são totalmente à prova e usam protocolos ACK/NACK e segurança de dados HTTPS.
Preencha o formulário de contato para mais informações.

Klanten Parcel-Metrics
The Netherlands
ParcelMetrics Mobile work stations (including Ohaus bench scale) with ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server in Cloud environment with API to host system of DPD
Cubetape direct HID using Bluetooth connected to DHL main application Measuring non-conveyable’s in main depot of DHL Brussel
Cubetape + mobile work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – fully flexible – mobile set up
The Netherlands Germany
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – mobile
ParcelMetrics Mobile work stations (including Ohaus bench scale) with ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server in head office for final check on SKU master data
The Netherlands
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – mobile
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including floor scale) for recording of long objects (Ski’s)
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including bench scale) for recording SKU master data even with ‘man-up’ machines in narrow isle set up
Would you like to know more about what Parcel Metrics can do for your business situation? Please contact us or fill in the contact form.