RAVAS Pesaje Móvil
Parcel Metrics es socio de RAVAS
Esta asociación reúne las ventajas del pesaje móvil con el dimensionamiento móvil y la captura de datos móviles. Con transferencia de datos en «tiempo real» a nuestro sistema Parcel Metrics Enterprise Server. Este PMES puede estar ubicado localmente o en la nube.
Parcel Metrics puede conectarse a RAVAS iForks que se instalan en carretillas elevadoras y también en la transpaleta manual de pesaje RAVAS.
Todas las conexiones de datos son totalmente seguras y utilizan protocolos ACK/NACK y seguridad de datos HTTPS.
Rellena el formulario de contacto para más información.

Klanten Parcel-Metrics
Cubetape + mobile work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – fully flexible – mobile set up
Cubetape direct HID using Bluetooth connected to DHL main application Measuring non-conveyable’s in main depot of DHL Brussel
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including bench scale) for recording SKU master data even with ‘man-up’ machines in narrow isle set up
The Netherlands
ParcelMetrics Mobile work stations (including Ohaus bench scale) with ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server in Cloud environment with API to host system of DPD
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – with flexible mobile set up
The Netherlands Germany
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – mobile
ParcelMetrics Mobile work stations (including Ohaus bench scale) with ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server in head office for final check on SKU master data
The Netherlands
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – mobile
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including floor scale) for recording of long objects (Ski’s)
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