Inventory management solution

An inventory management system (or inventory system) is the process by which you track your goods throughout your entire supply chain, from purchasing to production to end sales. It governs how you approach inventory management for your business.

Our ParcelMetrics software system is an ideal tool to capture SKU info throughout your production and warehouse facilities.

Perpetual inventory management

Many people heard perpetual inventory management  as continuous inventory system. In this system a company can track sold and stocked inventory in real time. Updating the accounting system whenever a sale is made.

All of this information is sent to the central hub and then employees can access this information. The advantage of this system includes the ability to manage multiple locations quickly, more informed forecasting and proactively monitoring inventory turnover.  

Inventory management

Batch tracking

The batch tracking is a process of tracing goods along the distribution chain with batch efficiently. Whether it is raw material or finished goods, batch tracking allows people to see where products came from and where they are going and how much to ship. It also contains its expiration date and when they are going to expire, if applicable.

Using Android based App’s we can create tailor made solutions for all sorts of industries.
Product ID, Location ID, number of units in stock – all can be send in real time to the IT system.
RFID tags, QR coded items – all can be accommodated.

Clientes de ParcelMetrics


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