ParcelMetrics Desktop (PMD)
ParcelMetrics Desktop is a browser based multilingual web-application responsible for the gathering of the following data of a parcel:
- Barcode(s)
- Dimensions (Length, Width and Height)
- Weight (optional)
It uses USB connections to different devices for collecting the Barcode(s), Dimensions and optionally the weight of a parcel.
All data is sent in one message over HTTPS to the ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server using guaranteed delivery. Thus, in the case of a network failure the message will be queued for redelivery in the ParcelMetrics Mobile app. Once the connection is restored, the message will be sent again.
PartcelMetrics Desktop provides secured access over HTTPS to the web-application and uses Basic Authentication to authenticate a user. Depending on the role of the authenticated user (Administrator or User) access is granted to application resources.
ParcelMeterics Desktop in combination with a bench scale and a Cubetape gives a ideal solution for fast dimensioning and weighing of goods – this can be of use for carriers or shippers and for the transport department or for the IT department who want exact Masterdata in their WMS

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