ParcelMetrics Mobile (PMM)
ParcelMetrics Mobile is a multilingual app responsible for the gathering of the following data of a parcel:
- Barcode(s)
- Dimensions (Length, Width and Height)
- Weight (optional)
- Photos (optional)
It uses Bluetooth connections to different devices for collecting the Barcode(s), Dimensions and optionally the weight of a parcel. Photos can be taken using the mobile device running the ParcelMetrics Mobile app.
All data is sent in one message over HTTPS to the ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server using guaranteed delivery. Thus, in the case of a network failure the message will be queued for redelivery in the ParcelMetrics Mobile app. Once the connection is restored, the message will be sent again.
ParcelMetrics Mobile provides secured access to its configuration using a PIN.

Would you like to know more about what Parcel Metrics can do for your business situation? Please contact us or fill in the contact form.