Masterdata of your warehouse SKU’s
Masterdata of your SKU’s needs to be accurate stored in your WMS and it needs kept up to date at all time. Our ParcelMetrics Masterdata Apps will help you to keep your data accurate.
The basic steps are:
- Scan barcode to capture the product ID.
- Weigh the parcel to get the weight using our compact bench scale.
- Measure Length, Width and height of the box with our digital tape measurement tool.
All data is captured in our software system atomically without errors in our ParcelMetrics Desktop software package where a CSV is created with all the SKU Masterdata you need.
Alternatively you can use an Android terminal for data capture.

Why ParcelMetrics Desktop for your Masterdata weigh & measurement tool?
- ParcelMetrics Desktop Masterdata software package is easy to use.
- ParcelMetrics Masterdata measurement devices are very accurate.
- Our hardware can be used in very tight places – very compact set up.
- Our Weigh & Measuring Masterdata solution needs no training.
- ParcelMetrics Desktop Masterdata software package works in ‘stand alone’ mode but can easily extended in a full Enterprise set up system.
Klanten Parcel-Metrics
ParcelMetrics Mobile work stations (including Ohaus bench scale) with ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server in head office for final check on SKU master data
The Netherlands
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – mobile
Cubetape + mobile work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – fully flexible – mobile set up
Cubetape direct HID using Bluetooth connected to DHL main application Measuring non-conveyable’s in main depot of DHL Brussel
The Netherlands Germany
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – mobile
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including floor scale) for recording of long objects (Ski’s)
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including bench scale) for recording SKU master data even with ‘man-up’ machines in narrow isle set up
The Netherlands
ParcelMetrics Mobile work stations (including Ohaus bench scale) with ParcelMetrics Enterprise Server in Cloud environment with API to host system of DPD
ParcelMetrics Desktop work station (including RAVAS mobile scale) for recording SKU master data for measuring heavy objects – with flexible mobile set up
Would you like to know more about what Parcel Metrics can do for your business situation? Please contact us or fill in the contact form.